Thursday 28 November 2013

Film Magazine Front Cover Sketch 2

This is the second sketch of my magazine front cover. I decided to name my magazine 'SLASH' because I wanted to create a horror specific magazine. The tagline line/slogan will be engaging to the audience and make them want to read more. the killer will be looking at the camera conforming to conventions and will wear a hoodie. the name of the film will be used as the headline and will include a caption. the magazine will also feature an exclusive interview with Wes Craven. This will engage the audience and make them want to read the exclusive content of the magazine. The sub images will be of films that are new and really show the best of horror, they will be in the form of a banner. More film names will also be listed along the side of the magazine as sell lines with a button on the other side showing the 'Top 50 Must See Horror Movies'.

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